4 Tips to Ensure Attention From Emergency Health Care Clinic While Travelling (112 อ่าน)
25 ก.พ. 2567 13:13
Today, we are more dependent on fast food, are working round the clock and hardly get any time to exercise or eat right. This in turn is having an adverse effect on our health. No matter how fit and active you are, you can never guarantee when you will fall sick. However there are certain safety measures you can always follow that will help you deal with the situation.
There have been many incidents when an individual while travelling fell sick and had to be rushed to the hospital. No matter how fit and active you are, you can never guarantee when you will fall sick. The chances are so high and so sudden that you never know what to do. However there are certain safety measures you can always follow that will help you deal with the situation. Today we are going to list them for you:
Have a phone number saved in the speed dial - that number could belong to your partner, your housemate, your best friend, office colleague, your parents - anyone. But make sure that the person will answer the call at any odd hour so that when you call they receive the call and help you with the emergency.
Next you need to have the phone number of an Emergency health care clinic whom you can call to help you out. This is really important because in dire situations you need immediate medical attention.
There are many health care service providers who have emergency Urgent care lax airport clinics set up in the airport. Before travelling, find out which health care centers have their clinic in the airport. Collect and store their number on your phone. In case of any emergency you can give them an immediate call. These clinics in the airport have all the emergency equipments and a qualified doctor is on duty at all the times. He will carry out a thorough checkup and will administer the course of treatment on spot. This reduces the chance of any mishap.
And finally you should always have travel insurance in place no matter wherever you are travelling. Just because you are in your thirties and you are quite fit and have an active lifestyle does not mean that you are not prone to emergency situations. It can happen to anyone. Hence, it is always a good idea to be prepared. Irrespective of your age, you should have travel insurance in place. This insurance will take care of all the expenditures in an emergency situation. You don't have to spend a single penny from your pocket.
If you look back, you will notice that there is a vast difference in our lifestyle compared to what it was even 5 years back. Today, we are more dependent on fast food, are working round the clock and hardly get any time to exercise or eat right. This in turn is having an adverse effect on our health. If we don't take proper care of our health from now on then very soon it will be too late. Always remember that your health is in your hands. How you deal with it is totally your prerogative. We suggest that you go for a whole body check up once in every 3 months. Follow the doctor's advice and try to lead as normal a life as possible. Start taking care of your health from now so that you don't have to regret later.
25 ก.พ. 2567 13:23 #1
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12 พ.ย. 2567 22:21 #2
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